Diet for pancreatic pancreatitis

Improper diet, stress and bad habits can provoke inflammation of the pancreas. This is a serious disease that requires not only complex treatment but also correct dietary correction. A strict diet for pancreatitis is an integral part of the fight against the disease.

vessels for inflammation of the pancreas

General dietary principles for pancreatitis

Pancreatitis can appear spontaneously and bring great discomfort to a person (acute form) or have a latent and sluggish character (chronic phase). Leaks vary between them not only in clinical symptoms but also in dietary characteristics.

In acute pancreatitis fasting for several days is recommended. This is necessary to provide the body with a state of rest and to reduce the focus of inflammation on the tissue.

You can start eating on the 4th day after the acute symptoms of the disease have disappeared (severe pain, nausea, vomiting and profuse diarrhea). In chronic pancreatitis, it is important to adhere to a diet. This will help prevent deterioration and achieve long-term forgiveness.

In addition, you should adhere to the general principles of nutrition:

  1. Thermal treatment of steam food. It will help preserve all the beneficial ingredients of food.
  2. Partial feeding (up to 5 times a day in small doses) - reduces the load on the weakened digestive system.
  3. It is important to eat warm food.
  4. Before eating, food should be crushed to a liquid consistency.

It is important to avoid snacking throughout the day. Enough with the main meal. It is better to drink more tea or warm water. This will help remove toxins from the body and reduce stomach discomfort.

What to eat with pancreatitis

With inflammation of the pancreas, doctors attribute to the patient the food according to the generally accepted classification of diets - table 5. Patients eat only healthy food and completely reject foods that provoke the production of acid in the gastric juice and stimulate an increase in the work of enzymes in aweakened organ.

Table "Products useful for pancreatic pancreatitis"

category List of foods
Cooked vegetables (boiled, stewed) Beets, cauliflower, broccoli, potatoes, zucchini, carrots, squash, tomatoes can be but in small doses
Fruits and berries (jelly-like decoctions, compotes, fruit purees and berries) Apricots, melons and watermelons (2-3 pieces per day), apples, pears, raisins (raisins), bananas. Avocado is allowed 2 months after irritation
Meat (kittens, steamed meatballs, meatballs) Rabbit, turkey, beef (beef tongue, beef liver), beef, chicken
Fish (boiled or as steamed kitten, fillets) and seafood Cod liver, peak, slime, perch, perch. 17-21 days after the deterioration subsides, you can eat shrimp
CROPS Buckwheat porridge, oats (muesli), rice, oatmeal. Sometimes you can eat barley or corn porridge
Soup and soup Only vegetables (without boiled onions and garlic) or dairy cereals. If there are no irritations, you can cook the soup in the second broth.
Pasta (boiled) Vermicelli, noodles
Oven products Stale wheat bread (baked 1-2 days before consumption)
Dairy and low-fat dairy products Steam casserole cottage cheese, cheese (not spicy), cottage cheese (not acidic) kefir, fermented milk, fermented baked milk, butter, sour cream (not more than 1 tablespoon per day)
chicken eggs Steamed omelette, you can occasionally eat soft boiled eggs
fats Butter, vegetables (sunflower, olive)
Drinks A decoction of wheat bran, wild rose, a weak tea drink
Sweets (in small doses) Honey, jam, jelly (homemade), bread-free biscuits, marshmallow, mousse, marshmallow
Nuts (grind well before eating or chewing whole) Pistachios, nuts, peanuts
Legumes (ground) Beans (decoction for deterioration), soy meat, green peas

Allowed foods contain many water and fat soluble vitamins, rich in carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. And, most importantly, they practically do not irritate the mucous membrane of the pancreas.

What not to eat with pancreatitis

Many products are able to cause an increased secretion of acid and enzymes, which greatly irritate the pancreatic mucosa.

Therefore, it is better to remove all harmful foods from the diet:

  • spicy, sour, fried foods, canned and pickled, fatty meat juices (in particular, aspic);
  • spices, seasonings, sauces, mayonnaise, ketchup;
  • meat and its by-products - pork (pork tongue), lamb, including fat, sausages, smoked meats, sausages, balyks, lard;
  • fatty fish (salmon, catfish, carp, mackerel, herring) and seafood (mussels, squid, crab, lobster);
  • rich pastries, rye bread, chocolate products, cakes, pastries (tomatoes, caramel), halva, ice cream, glazed cottage cheese;
  • oranges, figs, sunflower seeds, radishes, radishes, all kinds of mushrooms.
Harmful foods for pancreatitis

It is contraindicated for drinking coffee, strong black and green tea, milk, fizzy drinks. The following prohibited foods should be permanently excluded from daily use: fast food (burger, chips, shawarma, hot dog, sushi, rolls), chips, salted nuts, spicy spices, alcohol, nicotine.

Example of menu for the week

Strict adherence to the principles of proper nutrition is very helpful in treating pancreatitis. The diet should not be interrupted or junk food added to the diet, as this may provoke an acute attack of the disease.

"Menu for every day" table

day Menu
day 1 Breakfast: milk oats, beef pieces, tea or compote
Second breakfast: eggs (omelet or boiled), wheat soup (from bran), ripe fruit (apple, pear, banana - to choose from)
Lunch: vegetable soup, noodles, chicken souffle, jelly, tea
Snack: cottage cheese, kefir, fermented baked milk (optional), tea
Dinner: boiled pies, bread, tea
day 2 Breakfast: boiled potatoes (mashed potatoes), a piece of fish, some crackers, tea
Second breakfast: eggs, turkey kitten, bread, compote
Lunch: soup with chicken fillets, fish kitten, bread, cottage cheese milk
Afternoon snack: home-made berry jelly, jelly fruit decoction, still water
Dinner: carrot puree, meatballs, muesli, tea drink
day 3 Breakfast: sliced vegetables with rice, beef liver, tea, steamed grapes
Second breakfast: vermicelli, beef souffle, apricot puree, mineral water

Lunch: gravy (for vegetables), cod liver, bread, biscuits, tea with honey

Afternoon snack: berry jelly dish, 2-3 slices of watermelon or melon, compote
Dinner: muesli, roasted cottage cheese, jam, tea
day 4 Breakfast: liquid oatmeal, vegetable casserole, bread, fermented baked milk
Second breakfast: beef tongue, vegetable puree (broccoli, carrot), some marshmallow, tea
Lunch: rabbit soup, steamed meatballs, shrimp, biscuits, jelly
Snack: foam or jelly, baked apples (pear, banana)
Dinner: oatmeal, chicken breast, mineral water
day 5 Breakfast: boiled eggs, beef liver, apricot puree, tea with honey
Second breakfast: vegetable casserole, pasta, tomato juice, mineral water
Lunch: rabbit soup, rabbit or turkey kitten, zucchini in the oven, compote
Snack: jelly, biscuits, banana puree
Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled chicken, kefir
day 6 Breakfast: rice, chicken kitten, cod liver, tomato juice
Second breakfast: muesli, beef tongue, roasted pumpkin, rose juice
Lunch: vegetable soup, boiled fish, apple sauce, mineral water
Biscuits, jam, fermented baked milk, nuts
Dinner: chicken souffle, oats, bread, compote
day 7 Breakfast: vegetable stew, beef kitten, bread, tea, honey
Second breakfast: rice, cod liver, tomato juice, peanuts
Lunch: vegetable soup, fish pancakes, biscuits, bran cooking
Snack: cottage cheese, honey, tea
Dinner: sour milk, crackers, muesli, beef tongue

Important! The size of the portions depends on the well-being of the patient. A person can increase or decrease its volume as well as change some ingredients. The main thing is to use products exclusively useful and allowed for pancreatitis.

Recipes for inflammation of the pancreas

To make the daily menu not look so boring, you can diversify it with the following recipes.

Ragu with vegetables

Grind potatoes and squash (0, 5 kg each), grind 1 carrot. Put the vegetables in a saucepan (smeared with olive oil) in layers, starting with the potatoes. Add half the volume with water, salt and simmer for 25-30 minutes. Finally sprinkle with parsley and dill.

vegetable stew with pancreatitis

baked zander

For cooking, you need to take ½ kg of fish fillets, cut into medium slices and place on a baking sheet covered with foil. Sprinkle everything on top with carrots (1 piece), put 10 g butter, salt and wrap in paper. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour.

baked fish with pancreatitis

Fish cake (quenelles)

Grind 400 gr of fish pulp, add a quarter of softened noodles in milk and 2 egg whites. Salt and mix. Make kittens in the shape of a ball and place in boiling water for 3-5 minutes.

fish cakes for pancreatitis

Steamed meat pudding 3


  • rabbit meat (130 g);
  • butter (25 g);
  • eggs;
  • oatmeal (3 tablespoons);
  • half a glass of water.

Grind the meat thoroughly to a homogeneous consistency, add the oatmeal, beaten protein, then the raw yolk and mix everything, gently cook the dough in a mold and simmer on steam.

steamed meat pudding for pancreatitis

Cheese souffle

Grind apples (250 g) on a fine grater, add cottage cheese (300 g). Separately, beat the melted butter (50 g) with the sugar (3 tablespoons) and the yolks (4 pieces), add the beaten whites to the foam (4 pieces). Pour the prepared mixture into apples and cottage cheese, mix it. Pour the finished creamy dough into a greased pan and bake at 180 degrees for 25-40 minutes.

suffle cottage cheese with pancreatitis

All prescriptions are allowed in the chronic stage of pancreatitis. They are not only healthy, but also very tasty, which allows you to get rid of thoughts of unwanted food and enjoy a healthy diet.

A strict diet for pancreatitis is the main component in treating a dangerous pathology. Allowed foods are rich in vitamins and minerals, which makes the diet complete and healthy. It is important to get rid of junk food, addictions and follow your doctor's instructions exactly. This will help prevent disease exacerbations and achieve long-term remissions.